Friday 29 June 2007


ive been trying for the last hour to upload a couple of pictures of our family pets, not very good photos but im a novice, and they kept moving!! mum gave me her old camera yesterday so i thought i'd give it a go and show you the other 2 members of our family. whoopee!!! i did it! its taken me ages though! but i think ive finally cracked it! my cat scarlet i adopted off a friend about 4 years ago, she was moving to cyprus and wasnt allowed to take it with her, and as she always used to come into our house anyway i thought i would take her on. she is the most lovable, homely cat ever, the only time she steps outside is whenever im out there too lol! and the girls hamster is called minty, it belongs to melissa officially, so it had to have a name beginning with M, and after watching eastenders one night, that was her name, or his, im not too sure how to tell the sex lol!


Audrey said...

I love hamsters we used to have a car for our so funny to watch it scoot around on its four wheels.Such a handsome cat too. Well done loading up the photos took me ages to work that one out its so much fun isnt it..xx Auds

Akelamalu said...

Does the cat like the hamster?

Leanne said...

funnily enough the cat is actually scared of the hamster lol!

CG said...

Your two pets are lovely..the hamster is a nice colour. Cats are such good company, aren't they?