Saturday, 28 July 2007


today has been my last day at work for 15 whole days....thank goodness! i do love my job but this week has been so depressing getting up early and tip toeing around as not to wake my kids up. they lie in bed till gone 10 everyday in the holidays, but i hate having to leave them home alone, my eldest is almost 16 so i know by law its fine, but from a mums point of view its not on!!

its been catalogue launch today so its been really busy, i had a great job though, handing out balloons to all the kids.

im sure argos wont mind a bit of plugging on my blog??

and here is the delightful t-shirt ive had to wear all day! you can imagine the comments i received on my way to work lol!!

thank goodness i only had to wear it for 1 day!!


Akelamalu said...

Cool T shirt! :)

RUTH said...

Argos should give you a pay rise for this plug!!!
Mum x

Audrey said...

Enjoy your break Leanne you Im sure you deserve it...the colour of the t.shirt suits you as Rod Stewart sang You wear it well..xx Auds

Shaz said...

Enjoy the sun & the holiday. I empathise with the tip-toeing around & having to leave the kids in bed but it's better than having to wake them up early & drop them somewhere else like when they were little. x x x x